FANTASY & Historical BOOKS FOR CHILDREN, Mid Grade.,



Sometimes when I am editing my brain rebells at reading the same thing over and over again I change gears and put my fingers at writing SHORTS.  These are stories of 500 to 2000 words that would have found homes in the house hold magazines if they still  published short stories. 

I file my "shorts" away, hoping to publish them someday .. and now with e-publishing I have the "on" line to hang them on.  

And sometimes luck will have it that some kind blogger will ask for a short story.. just as Jacqueline D. did for her Writing Blog where she shared both her writing and that of others. 

The challenge:  Write a short story using this setting: 
When - the future, any time in the future
Where - your choice
Who - Talia and Leon

My story, "The Magician and the Cat" starts out: 

The Magician and the Cat.
M. C. Arvanitis

Leon Zoker shook his head in disgust. "I can't believe you did that, Talia. Why do you insist on using magic? You’re gonna get us arrested with your stupidity."
"Oh stop whining, Leon. You’re so paranoid. All I did was start the fire. It takes too much time to use a fire stick."
Leon pulled nervously on one end of his long flowing mustache. In 3010, the new government had declared all magic illegal and gave their AntiMagic forces orders to round up all known magicians. When caught they were arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment. Now they were after his sister, Talia. He looked down the road they had come, with one hand on his personal phaser, waiting for something unforeseen to happen.
You can read the rest of the Story at Jacqueline's blog"

And stay tuned -- More of my 'shorts" will be flying on line soon.